英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:35:25

spray can

英 [sprei kæn]

美 [spre kən]


第三人称复数:spray cans

  • 英英释义


1. a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas)

Synonym: aerosolaerosol containeraerosol canaerosol bomb

Walk around the basement with caulk and cans of spray foam and plug every gap you can find between framing and masonry and around pipes or wires that penetrate the rim joist or exterior walls.(用填缝材料和喷雾泡沫器把你能找到的地下室里框架和砖石墙之间、贯穿环托梁或外墙的管道或电线周围的每条裂缝堵住。)
A quick spray of lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, or lemon can clear your head quicker than you think.(薰衣草,桉树,迷迭香或者柠檬喷雾可以快速清醒你的头脑。)
The conical spray can improve the mixing of fuel and air, and hence lead to good performance and emissions.(伞状喷雾使油气混合改善,在中低工况下可以得到良好的性能和排放指标,但其贯穿距短,在高工况下性能和排放变差。)
A spray can, see? And you spray it on dog poo.(一个喷罐,想想看?你喷在狗屎上面。)
We just harvest them and grow a bunch in a 42-gallon (160-liter) barrel, so we can spray it out in a food-rich environment.(我们只需要收割它们,然后在一42加仑(160升)的桶中种植一大批,这样我们就能把它们洒在一个食物丰富的环境里。)
Or, put Wii controllers into empty paint spray cans, give the cans to a group of kids who can then "spray" the walls of the room with virtual graffiti.(或者,把Wii控制器放入空的喷漆罐中,然后把喷漆罐给一组在房间的墙壁上涂鸦的孩子们。)
Oil sheen spray can also be used to add shine.(也可以喷点头油让头发看上去闪亮。)
Spray can make guardrail plate more beautiful, there are a variety of spray color, can choose according to.(喷塑可以让护栏板更加美观,喷塑的颜色有多种,可根据情况选择。)
This spray can rid your house of bugs.(这罐喷剂可以除掉你家里的虫子。)
You can use sunscreen that comes in any form: spray, lotion, cream, wax stick or powder.(你可以使用任何形式的防晒品:防晒喷雾,防晒油,防晒霜,防晒棒或者防晒粉。)
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